attack vector

By Mary E. Shacklett

What is an attack vector?

An attack vector is a path or means by which an attacker or hacker can gain access to a computer or network server in order to deliver a payload or malicious outcome. Attack vectors enable hackers to exploit system vulnerabilities, including the human element.

Common cyber attack vectors include viruses and malware, email attachments, webpages, pop-up windows, instant messages (IMs), chatrooms and deception. Except for deception, all of these methods involve programming or, in a few cases, hardware. Deception is when a human operator is fooled into removing or weakening system defenses.

To some extent, firewalls and antivirus software can block attack vectors. But no protection method is totally attack-proof. A defense method can quickly become obsolete, as hackers are constantly updating attack vectors and seeking new ones in their quest to gain unauthorized access to computers and servers.

The most common malicious payloads are viruses, which can function as their own attack vectors, Trojan horses, worms and spyware. Third-party vendors and service providers can also be considered attack vectors, as they are a risk to an organization if they have access to its sensitive data.

How do cyber attackers exploit attack vectors?

Hackers have in-depth knowledge of the common security attack vectors that are available to them. When determining how to hack one of these security vectors, they first seek out vulnerabilities, or security holes, in these vectors that they think they can penetrate.

A security hole can be found in a piece of software or in a computer operating system (OS). Sometimes, a security vulnerability can open up because of a programming error in an application or a faulty security configuration. Hacks can even be low-tech, such as obtaining an employee's security credentials or breaking into a building.

Hackers are constantly scanning companies and individuals to identify all potential entry points into systems, applications and networks. In some cases, they may even target physical facilities or find vulnerable users and internal employees who will knowingly or inadvertently share their information technology (IT) access credentials.

What is the difference between attack vector and attack surface?

These two terms are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. An attack vector differs from an attack surface, as the vector is the means by which an intruder gains access and the attack surface is what is being attacked.

One of the most publicized hacks was the SolarWinds supply chain attack. An investigation was undertaken to determine the attack vectors, but the breach may have been the result of compromised credentials or possible access through the development environment for SolarWinds' Orion IT management software.

10 of the most common attack vectors

Intruders are continuously seeking out new attack vectors. The most common attack vectors include the following:

  1. Software vulnerabilities. If a network, OS, computer system or application has an unpatched security vulnerability, an attacker can use a threat vector, such as malware, to gain unauthorized access.
  2. Compromised user credentials. Users can knowingly or inadvertently share their user IDs and passwords. This can be done verbally, but cyber attackers can also gain access to credentials through a brute-force attack that tries different combinations of user IDs and passwords until an authorized set of credentials is uncovered. The hacker then uses these credentials to hack a network, system or application.
  3. Weak passwords and credentials. In brute-force attacks, cyber attackers focus their efforts on hacking user IDs and passwords that are weak or can be easily guessed. But hackers also steal credentials by using programs that monitor public Wi-Fi networks for when users input their access credentials. For example, a hacker could install keylogging software on a user's workstation through an infected website or email. The keylogging program logs user keyboard activity, including the entry of the user's ID and password. Hackers can also gain access by enticing users to open unsolicited email attachments that contain malicious links to bogus websites that convince them to surrender personally identifiable information (PII).
  4. Malicious employees. Malicious or disgruntled employees can hack into networks and systems using their security clearances to extract sensitive information, such as customer lists and intellectual property (IP) that they either demand ransom for or sell to others for nefarious purposes.
  5. Poor or missing encryption. In some cases, employees -- or IT -- may forget to encrypt sensitive information stored on laptops and smartphones out in the field. In other cases, encryption techniques have known design flaws or only use limited keys to encrypt and protect data.
  6. Ransomware. Ransomware is a type of malware that locks the data on the victim's computer, and the attacker either threatens to publish the victim's data or block access to it unless a ransom is paid. Ransomware can lock a user's files, often demanding a cash sum from the user in order to unlock the files. Most ransomware is inadvertently downloaded onto a computer or network by a user. It can come in the form of a file that a user opens that contains a worm, which is malware that spreads itself throughout a network, or a Trojan, which embeds malicious software code in a downloaded file that locks up the user's computer or data and then demands payment.
  7. Phishing. Phishing is the deceptive practice of sending emails in which the attacker purports to be from a reputable company in order to lure individuals into revealing personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. Spear phishing is a highly targeted attack that targets a single recipient, seeking unauthorized access to sensitive company information.
  8. Misconfigured devices. Companies can misconfigure their software and hardware security, which leaves them vulnerable to hackers. Vendor security presets on equipment are lax, and if IT doesn't reconfigure this equipment before installing it on networks, security hacks can occur. In still other cases, companies purchase equipment and forget to fully configure security.
  9. Trust relationships. In many cases, companies entrust their security to outside system and network vendors, cloud providers and business partners. When the systems of these third parties are breached, the information the hackers obtain may also contain sensitive information from the companies these providers service. Examples include when a major credit card carrier's network is breached or when a healthcare system is breached and sensitive data from patients is stolen.
  10. Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. DDoS attacks flood victims with bogus emails, rendering their system or network unusable and services unavailable to their intended recipients. These attacks often target the web servers of finance, commerce and government organizations and are often used to distract an organization from other network attacks.

How to protect devices against common vector attacks

Attackers use a variety of techniques to penetrate corporate IT assets. As these techniques continue to evolve, IT's job is to identify and implement the policies, tools and techniques that are most effective in protecting against these attacks. The following is a list of effective protection techniques:

For more information on the SolarWinds backdoor cyber attack, go to the SolarWinds breach news center.

13 Apr 2021

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