DNS attack

By TechTarget Contributor

What is a DNS attack?

A DNS attack is an exploit in which an attacker takes advantage of vulnerabilities in the domain name system (DNS).

What is a domain name system and how does it work?

To understand how DNS attacks work, it is important to first understand how the domain name system works. DNS is a protocol that translates a user-friendly domain name, like, into the computer-friendly IP address

When an end user types the people-friendly domain name into a client's browser, a program in the client's operating system (OS) called a DNS resolver looks up's numerical IP address.

First, the DNS resolver checks its own local cache to see if it already has the IP address for If it doesn't have the address, the resolver then queries a DNS server to see if it knows the correct IP address for DNS servers are recursive, which simply means they can query each other to either find another DNS server that knows the correct IP address or find the authoritative DNS server that stores the canonical mapping of the domain name to its IP address.

As soon as the resolver locates the IP address, it returns the IP address to the requesting program and caches the address for future use.

How do DNS attacks work?

Although the DNS is quite robust, it was designed for usability, not security. The types of DNS attacks in use today are numerous and complex, taking advantage of the communication back and forth between clients and servers.

Attackers typically take advantage of the plaintext communication between clients and the three types of DNS servers. Another popular attack strategy is to log in to a DNS provider's website with stolen credentials and redirect DNS records.

How to prevent DNS attacks

To lessen the chance of a DNS attack, server administrators should:

To defend against DNS attacks, experts recommend implementing multifactor authentication when making changes to the organization's DNS infrastructure.

Operations personnel should also monitor for any changes publicly associated with their DNS records or any digital certificates associated with their organization. Another strategy is to deploy Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSec), which strengthens authentication in DNS by using digital signatures based on public key cryptography.

DNS attack vectors

Types of DNS attacks include:

05 Oct 2021

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